Bay to Breakers Street Closures, After Party, Liquor Store Map and Party Bus

The Annual Bay to Breakers festivities are about to start and a little bit of planning can assure that you maximize your fun and eliminate any surprise issues. Get Ready for one of the best Annual Events in San Francisco.
Uber, Lyft and other ride share companies have made things a lot easier, but be prepared to pay a premium price if you are leaving at busy times. Muni is also a decent option, but the buses are usually packed in pretty tight and the ride will take a while. If you have someone in your group who is willing to stay sober, you can always drop off a car tonight near the end of the race.
If you are heading back to the Marina after the race, you can hop on the free M Ride Party Bus. To grab a seat on the bus, CLICK HERE to RSVP.

Street Closures:
There will be plenty of street closures to accommodate the race, so if you are planning on getting anywhere in the city during the race, take note of the following street closures.
Howard (from the Embarcadero to Beale)
Steuart (from Mission down to the southern end)
Howard (from Beale to Third)
Spear (from Mission to Folsom)
Howard (from Third Street to Ninth Street)
New Montgomery (from Mission to Howard)
Main (from Mission to Folsom)
Beale (from Mission to Folsom)
Fremont (from Mission to Folsom)
Second Street (from Mission to Folsom)
Fulton (eastbound, from the Great Highway to 48th Avenue)
Fulton (westbound, from 46th to the Great Highway)
2nd (from Mission to Folsom)
9th (from Howard to Market)
Hayes (from Market to Divisadero)
Steiner (from Grove to Hayes)
Divisadero (from Grove to Oak)
Baker (from Oak to Fell)
Fell (from Divisadero to Stanyan)
47th (from Fulton to JFK)
La Play (from Cabrillo to Fulton)
Lincoln (eastbound, from the Great Highway to La Playa)
Lincoln (westbound,from 48th to the Great Highway)
Cabrillo (from 46th to La Playa)
Balboa (from 46th to the Great Highway)
Point Lobos (from 48th/El Camino Del Mar to to the Great Highway)
Transverse (from MLK to Crossover)
30th (from Fulton to JFK)
36th (from Fulton to JFK)
Chain of Lakes (from Fulton to Lincoln)
JFK (from Stanyan to the Great Highway)
Bernice Rodgers (from JFK to MLK)
MLK (from Bernice Rodgers to Lincoln)
MLK (from Chain of Lakes to Sunset)
47th (from Fulton to JFK)
Great Highway (from Sloat to JFK)
Great Highway (from JFK to Balboa)
There will also be a slew of Muni closures as well.
CrawlSF After Party:
After the race, feel free to swing by The Blue Light for a crazy after party. CLICK HERE to RSVP.